Exercise 2. Comparing survival proportions and mortality rates by stage for cause-specific and all-cause survival

Load dependencies

We start by listing the first few observations to get an idea about the data. We then define two 1/0 variables for the events that we are interested in.

##      sex age     stage mmdx yydx surv_mm surv_yy       status          subsite
## 1 Female  81 Localised    2 1981    26.5     2.5  Dead: other    Head and Neck
## 2 Female  75 Localised    9 1975    55.5     4.5  Dead: other    Head and Neck
## 3 Female  78 Localised    2 1978   177.5    14.5  Dead: other            Limbs
## 4 Female  75   Unknown    8 1975    29.5     2.5 Dead: cancer Multiple and NOS
## 5 Female  81   Unknown    7 1981    57.5     4.5  Dead: other    Head and Neck
## 6 Female  75 Localised    9 1975    19.5     1.5 Dead: cancer            Trunk
##          year8594         dx       exit agegrp id      ydx    yexit
## 1 Diagnosed 75-84 1981-02-02 1983-04-20    75+  1 1981.088 1983.298
## 2 Diagnosed 75-84 1975-09-21 1980-05-07    75+  2 1975.720 1980.348
## 3 Diagnosed 75-84 1978-02-21 1992-12-07    75+  3 1978.140 1992.934
## 4 Diagnosed 75-84 1975-08-25 1978-02-08    75+  4 1975.646 1978.104
## 5 Diagnosed 75-84 1981-07-09 1986-04-25    75+  5 1981.517 1986.312
## 6 Diagnosed 75-84 1975-09-03 1977-04-19    75+  6 1975.671 1977.296

We convert the logical variables to 0/1 because some of the R functions use logical variables (with values TRUE and FALSE) as factors. A short-hand approach for converting TRUE to 1 and FALSE to 0 is to add 0:

## [1] 1 0

(a) Plot estimates of the survivor function and hazard function by stage

We now tabulate the distribution of the melanoma patients by cancer stage at diagnosis.

##           Freq       Prop
## Unknown   1631 0.20977492
## Localised 5318 0.68398714
## Regional   350 0.04501608
## Distant    476 0.06122186

We then plot the survival and survival by stage.

Survival depends heavily on stage. It is interesting to note that patients with stage 0 (unknown) appear to have a similar survival to patients with stage 1 (localized).

As an extension, we can use thebshazard to calculate the hazards with confidence intervals (see below). Note, however, that the bshazard function will adjust for covariates rather than stratify by covariates. This means that we need to divide the dataset into strata and calculate the smoothed hazards separately. I have shown one approach using dplyr for dividing the data, with he plots use ggplot, which allows for over-lapping confidence intervals (using the alpha transparency argument).

(b) Estimate the mortality rates for each stage using, for example, the survRate command

##                     stage    tstop event        rate       lower       upper
## stage=Unknown     Unknown 123205.5   274 0.002223927 0.001968371 0.002503450
## stage=Localised Localised 463519.0  1013 0.002185455 0.002052929 0.002324292
## stage=Regional   Regional  18003.0   218 0.012109093 0.010554905 0.013827698
## stage=Distant     Distant  10509.0   408 0.038823865 0.035147603 0.042780122

The time unit is months (since we specified surv_mm as the analysis time). Therefore, the units of the rates shown above are events/person-month.


Here we tabulate crude rates per person-year and per 1000 person-years. We could divide the times by 12 to obtain estimates with units of the number of events per person-year. For example,

##                     stage    tstop event       rate      lower      upper
## stage=Unknown     Unknown 10267.12   274 0.02668712 0.02362045 0.03004141
## stage=Localised Localised 38626.58  1013 0.02622546 0.02463514 0.02789150
## stage=Regional   Regional  1500.25   218 0.14530912 0.12665886 0.16593238
## stage=Distant     Distant   875.75   408 0.46588638 0.42177124 0.51336147

To obtain mortality rates per 1000 person-years:

##                     stage    tstop event      rate     lower     upper
## stage=Unknown     Unknown 10.26713   274  26.68712  23.62045  30.04141
## stage=Localised Localised 38.62658  1013  26.22546  24.63514  27.89150
## stage=Regional   Regional  1.50025   218 145.30912 126.65886 165.93238
## stage=Distant     Distant  0.87575   408 465.88638 421.77124 513.36147


Below we see that the crude mortality rate is higher for males than for females.

##               sex    tstop event     rate    lower    upper
## sex=Male     Male 21.96892  1074 48.88725 46.00684 51.90076
## sex=Female Female 29.30079   839 28.63404 26.72903 30.63898

We see that the crude mortality rate is higher for males than females, a difference which is also reflected in the survival and hazard curves:


The majority of patients are alive at end of study. 1,913 died from cancer while 1,134 died from another cause. The cause of death is highly depending of age, as young people die less from other causes. To observe this we tabulate the events by age group.

##                    agegrp
## status              0-44 45-59 60-74  75+
##   Alive             1615  1568  1178  359
##   Dead: cancer       386   522   640  365
##   Dead: other         39   147   461  487
##   Lost to follow-up    6     1     1    0


The survival is worse for all-cause survival than for cause-specific, since you now can die from other causes, and these deaths are incorporated in the Kaplan-Meier estimates. The ”other cause” mortality is particularly present in patients with localised and unknown stage.


By comparing Kaplan-Meier estimates for cancer deaths with all-cause mortality conditioned on age over 75 years, we see that the “other” cause mortality is particularly influential in patients with localised and unknown stage. Patients with localised disease, have a better prognosis (i.e. the cancer does not kill them), and are thus more likely to experience death from another cause. For regional and distant stage, the cancer is more aggressive and is the cause of death for most of these patients (i.e. it is the cancer that kills these patients before they have “the chance” to die from something else).