Exercise 23. Calculating SMRs/SIRs

library(biostat3) # for Surv and survfit
library(dplyr)    # for data manipulation
library(tinyplot) # for some nice plots
calculate_smr = function(data)
              Observed = sum(observed),
              Expected = sum(expected)) |>


mel <- filter(biostat3::melanoma, stage == "Localised") |> 
        mutate( dead = (status %in% c("Dead: cancer","Dead: other") & surv_mm <= 120)+0, 
                surv_mm = pmin(120, surv_mm))
##      sex age     stage mmdx yydx surv_mm surv_yy       status       subsite
## 1 Female  81 Localised    2 1981    26.5     2.5  Dead: other Head and Neck
## 2 Female  75 Localised    9 1975    55.5     4.5  Dead: other Head and Neck
## 3 Female  78 Localised    2 1978   120.0    14.5  Dead: other         Limbs
## 4 Female  75 Localised    9 1975    19.5     1.5 Dead: cancer         Trunk
## 5 Female  75 Localised   10 1975    65.5     5.5  Dead: other Head and Neck
## 6 Female  80 Localised    6 1980    50.5     4.5  Dead: other Head and Neck
##          year8594         dx       exit agegrp id      ydx    yexit dead
## 1 Diagnosed 75-84 1981-02-02 1983-04-20    75+  1 1981.088 1983.298    1
## 2 Diagnosed 75-84 1975-09-21 1980-05-07    75+  2 1975.720 1980.348    1
## 3 Diagnosed 75-84 1978-02-21 1992-12-07    75+  3 1978.140 1992.934    0
## 4 Diagnosed 75-84 1975-09-03 1977-04-19    75+  6 1975.671 1977.296    1
## 5 Diagnosed 75-84 1975-10-14 1981-03-30    75+  7 1975.783 1981.241    1
## 6 Diagnosed 75-84 1980-06-11 1984-08-27    75+  8 1980.444 1984.654    1
## Define the age at start and end of follow-up 
mel <- mutate(mel, adx = age+0.5,   # age at diagnosis  (mid-point approximation) 
              astart = adx, 
              astop  = adx+surv_mm/12)
## Split by age 
mel.split <- survSplit(mel, cut = 1:105, event = "dead", 
                       start = "astart", end = "astop")
## Quick check: the first two ids 
subset(mel.split, id<=2, select = c(id, astart, astop, dead)) 
##   id astart    astop dead
## 1  1   81.5 82.00000    0
## 2  1   82.0 83.00000    0
## 3  1   83.0 83.70833    1
## 4  2   75.5 76.00000    0
## 5  2   76.0 77.00000    0
## 6  2   77.0 78.00000    0
## 7  2   78.0 79.00000    0
## 8  2   79.0 80.00000    0
## 9  2   80.0 80.12500    1


# For each age time band from (a), we calculate the start and stop in calendar time 
# We calculate the time since diagnosis as difference between age at start/stop and 
# age at diagnosis, and add that interval to year at diagnosis
mel.split2 <- mutate(mel.split, 
                    ystart = ydx + astart - adx, 
                    ystop  = ydx + astop - adx)
subset(mel.split2, id<=2, select = c(id, adx, astart, astop, dead, ydx, ystart, ystop))
##   id  adx astart    astop dead      ydx   ystart    ystop
## 1  1 81.5   81.5 82.00000    0 1981.088 1981.088 1981.588
## 2  1 81.5   82.0 83.00000    0 1981.088 1981.588 1982.588
## 3  1 81.5   83.0 83.70833    1 1981.088 1982.588 1983.296
## 4  2 75.5   75.5 76.00000    0 1975.720 1975.720 1976.220
## 5  2 75.5   76.0 77.00000    0 1975.720 1976.220 1977.220
## 6  2 75.5   77.0 78.00000    0 1975.720 1977.220 1978.220
## 7  2 75.5   78.0 79.00000    0 1975.720 1978.220 1979.220
## 8  2 75.5   79.0 80.00000    0 1975.720 1979.220 1980.220
## 9  2 75.5   80.0 80.12500    1 1975.720 1980.220 1980.345
## Now we can split along the calendar time 
## For each of the new age-calendar time bands, we now have to adjust the age at 
## start and end in the same way as above 
mel.split2 <- survSplit( mel.split2, cut = 1970:2000, event = "dead", 
                         start = "ystart", end = "ystop" ) |>
              mutate( astart = adx + ystart - ydx, 
                      astop  = adx + ystop - ydx)
## Quick check: this seems ok 
subset(mel.split2, id<=2, select = c(id, ystart, ystop, astart, astop, dead)) 
##    id   ystart    ystop   astart    astop dead
## 1   1 1981.088 1981.588 81.50000 82.00000    0
## 2   1 1981.588 1982.000 82.00000 82.41239    0
## 3   1 1982.000 1982.588 82.41239 83.00000    0
## 4   1 1982.588 1983.000 83.00000 83.41239    0
## 5   1 1983.000 1983.296 83.41239 83.70833    1
## 6   2 1975.720 1976.000 75.50000 75.77993    0
## 7   2 1976.000 1976.220 75.77993 76.00000    0
## 8   2 1976.220 1977.000 76.00000 76.77993    0
## 9   2 1977.000 1977.220 76.77993 77.00000    0
## 10  2 1977.220 1978.000 77.00000 77.77993    0
## 11  2 1978.000 1978.220 77.77993 78.00000    0
## 12  2 1978.220 1979.000 78.00000 78.77993    0
## 13  2 1979.000 1979.220 78.77993 79.00000    0
## 14  2 1979.220 1980.000 79.00000 79.77993    0
## 15  2 1980.000 1980.220 79.77993 80.00000    0
## 16  2 1980.220 1980.345 80.00000 80.12500    1


## We calculate the total person time at risk for each time band
mel.split2 <- mutate( mel.split2, 
                      age  = floor(astart),  # Age at which person time was observed 
                      year = floor(ystart),  # Calendar year during which person time was observed 
                      pt  =  ystop - ystart  # ... or astop - astart, works the same
subset(mel.split2, id<=2, select = c(id, ystart, ystop, astart, astop, dead, age, year, pt))
##    id   ystart    ystop   astart    astop dead age year        pt
## 1   1 1981.088 1981.588 81.50000 82.00000    0  81 1981 0.5000000
## 2   1 1981.588 1982.000 82.00000 82.41239    0  82 1981 0.4123864
## 3   1 1982.000 1982.588 82.41239 83.00000    0  82 1982 0.5876136
## 4   1 1982.588 1983.000 83.00000 83.41239    0  83 1982 0.4123864
## 5   1 1983.000 1983.296 83.41239 83.70833    1  83 1983 0.2959470
## 6   2 1975.720 1976.000 75.50000 75.77993    0  75 1975 0.2799255
## 7   2 1976.000 1976.220 75.77993 76.00000    0  75 1976 0.2200745
## 8   2 1976.220 1977.000 76.00000 76.77993    0  75 1976 0.7799255
## 9   2 1977.000 1977.220 76.77993 77.00000    0  76 1977 0.2200745
## 10  2 1977.220 1978.000 77.00000 77.77993    0  76 1977 0.7799255
## 11  2 1978.000 1978.220 77.77993 78.00000    0  77 1978 0.2200745
## 12  2 1978.220 1979.000 78.00000 78.77993    0  77 1978 0.7799255
## 13  2 1979.000 1979.220 78.77993 79.00000    0  78 1979 0.2200745
## 14  2 1979.220 1980.000 79.00000 79.77993    0  78 1979 0.7799255
## 15  2 1980.000 1980.220 79.77993 80.00000    0  79 1980 0.2200745
## 16  2 1980.220 1980.345 80.00000 80.12500    1  79 1980 0.1250000
## Now tabulate: sum of person time across all combinations of age & year 
## (for some years, ages) 
xtabs(pt ~ age + year, data=mel.split2, subset = age>=50 & age<60 & year>=1980 & year<1990)
##     year
## age      1980     1981     1982     1983     1984     1985     1986     1987
##   50 17.75739 16.10950 22.14116 21.53778 28.80944 35.87093 32.43368 36.35429
##   51 17.84611 21.10601 19.73652 25.74929 25.34206 33.81678 36.15502 36.99009
##   52 22.66005 23.20135 26.14500 23.00520 27.86951 26.86491 34.68995 38.43219
##   53 17.68110 27.56296 28.56208 30.58475 27.26166 31.79285 26.89462 36.09376
##   54 16.85111 19.77104 32.88876 33.04496 35.43436 30.98549 33.83041 28.67146
##   55 15.34311 23.06560 24.02609 35.78792 38.21690 37.88843 33.36533 37.75103
##   56 19.62087 17.07697 29.49875 29.69993 40.84652 40.83995 40.13706 38.25580
##   57 20.87159 23.91900 21.89273 33.33116 35.31722 44.38920 43.96677 41.94074
##   58 22.71497 23.32395 30.11496 28.08525 36.47228 38.15391 45.32161 47.98965
##   59 22.12377 29.11800 29.50430 35.09614 31.73203 40.31984 37.83583 46.55349
##     year
## age      1988     1989
##   50 43.11127 46.04857
##   51 39.73722 47.18098
##   52 37.43768 40.44656
##   53 42.05711 40.60234
##   54 42.20236 49.13991
##   55 33.63208 48.03838
##   56 45.57863 38.02925
##   57 42.72208 54.65228
##   58 45.11685 49.34837
##   59 54.18740 52.15563
## Same: sum up 0/1 alive/dead for total count of deaths 
xtabs(dead ~ age + year, data=mel.split2, subset = age>=50 & age<60 & year>=1980 & year<1990) 
##     year
## age  1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
##   50    1    1    3    0    0    2    1    1    1    1
##   51    1    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    1    0
##   52    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0
##   53    2    1    2    1    1    2    1    2    0    0
##   54    0    1    2    0    3    0    0    1    1    0
##   55    1    0    1    2    0    1    2    1    0    2
##   56    1    2    1    1    3    2    0    1    0    1
##   57    0    3    0    1    0    3    1    2    2    0
##   58    1    1    2    1    2    3    1    0    0    0
##   59    1    0    3    2    2    2    0    3    2    3


mel.split2 <- mutate(mel.split2, 
                     age10  = cut(age, seq(0, 110 ,by=10), right=FALSE), 
                     year10 = cut(year, seq(1970, 2000, by=5), right=FALSE) 
sr <- survRate(Surv(pt, dead) ~ sex + age10 + year10, data=mel.split2) 
rownames(sr) <-1:nrow(sr) ## Simple rownames for display 
head(sr, n = 20) 
##     sex   age10      year10      tstop event        rate        lower
## 1  Male  [0,10) [1980,1985)   6.509911     0 0.000000000 0.0000000000
## 2  Male  [0,10) [1985,1990)   4.490089     0 0.000000000 0.0000000000
## 3  Male [10,20) [1975,1980)   4.458333     1 0.224299065 0.0056787607
## 4  Male [10,20) [1980,1985)   6.842898     0 0.000000000 0.0000000000
## 5  Male [10,20) [1985,1990)  19.640948     0 0.000000000 0.0000000000
## 6  Male [10,20) [1990,1995)  24.219691     0 0.000000000 0.0000000000
## 7  Male [10,20) [1995,2000)   4.171463     0 0.000000000 0.0000000000
## 8  Male [20,30) [1975,1980)  26.398108     1 0.037881503 0.0009590766
## 9  Male [20,30) [1980,1985)  57.999389     4 0.068966244 0.0187909804
## 10 Male [20,30) [1985,1990) 143.213782     1 0.006982568 0.0001767833
## 11 Male [20,30) [1990,1995) 180.307318     3 0.016638260 0.0034312092
## 12 Male [20,30) [1995,2000)  27.414736     1 0.036476732 0.0009235109
## 13 Male [30,40) [1975,1980)  84.052956     6 0.071383569 0.0261965118
## 14 Male [30,40) [1980,1985) 292.510103     8 0.027349483 0.0118075654
## 15 Male [30,40) [1985,1990) 412.675104    15 0.036348207 0.0203438154
## 16 Male [30,40) [1990,1995) 434.040225     9 0.020735405 0.0094815477
## 17 Male [30,40) [1995,2000)  70.554946     3 0.042520053 0.0087686571
## 18 Male [40,50) [1975,1980) 160.375465    11 0.068589045 0.0342394041
## 19 Male [40,50) [1980,1985) 470.379381    15 0.031889153 0.0178481168
## 20 Male [40,50) [1985,1990) 846.907111    26 0.030699943 0.0200542220
##         upper
## 1  0.56665587
## 2  0.82156048
## 3  1.24971441
## 4  0.53908148
## 5  0.18781575
## 6  0.15230910
## 7  0.88431320
## 8  0.21106222
## 9  0.17658098
## 10 0.03890438
## 11 0.04862406
## 12 0.20323534
## 13 0.15537198
## 14 0.05388938
## 15 0.05995084
## 16 0.03936226
## 17 0.12426164
## 18 0.12272475
## 19 0.05259631
## 20 0.04498253


pt <- mutate(mel.split2, sex = unclass(sex)) |>    # make sex integer to be in line with popmort 
    group_by(sex, age, year)                 |>    # aggregate by sex, age, year 
    summarise(pt = sum(pt), observed = sum(dead), .groups="keep") |> # sum the person time, deaths 
    ungroup()  # For convenience
## # A tibble: 6 × 5
##     sex   age  year    pt observed
##   <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1     1     4  1980 0.5          0
## 2     1     4  1983 0.5          0
## 3     1     5  1980 0.213        0
## 4     1     5  1981 0.787        0
## 5     1     5  1983 0.297        0
## 6     1     5  1984 0.703        0
##   sex    prob        rate age year
## 1   1 0.96429 0.036363177   0 1951
## 2   1 0.99639 0.003616547   1 1951
## 3   1 0.99783 0.002172384   2 1951
## 4   1 0.99842 0.001581249   3 1951
## 5   1 0.99882 0.001180690   4 1951
## 6   1 0.99893 0.001070595   5 1951
##       sex           prob             rate               age       
##  Min.   :1.0   Min.   :0.5238   Min.   :0.000090   Min.   :  0.0  
##  1st Qu.:1.0   1st Qu.:0.9055   1st Qu.:0.001181   1st Qu.: 26.0  
##  Median :1.5   Median :0.9926   Median :0.007468   Median : 52.5  
##  Mean   :1.5   Mean   :0.9278   Mean   :0.084049   Mean   : 52.5  
##  3rd Qu.:2.0   3rd Qu.:0.9988   3rd Qu.:0.099218   3rd Qu.: 79.0  
##  Max.   :2.0   Max.   :0.9999   Max.   :0.646626   Max.   :105.0  
##       year     
##  Min.   :1951  
##  1st Qu.:1963  
##  Median :1976  
##  Mean   :1976  
##  3rd Qu.:1988  
##  Max.   :2000
joint <- left_join(pt, rstpm2::popmort)
## Joining with `by = join_by(sex, age, year)`
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
##     sex   age  year    pt observed  prob     rate
##   <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1     1     4  1980 0.5          0  1.00 0.000410
## 2     1     4  1983 0.5          0  1.00 0.000280
## 3     1     5  1980 0.213        0  1.00 0.000350
## 4     1     5  1981 0.787        0  1.00 0.000250
## 5     1     5  1983 0.297        0  1.00 0.000250
## 6     1     5  1984 0.703        0  1.00 0.000250
joint <- mutate(joint, expected = pt * rate) 
## # A tibble: 6 × 8
##     sex   age  year    pt observed  prob     rate  expected
##   <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1     1     4  1980 0.5          0  1.00 0.000410 0.000205 
## 2     1     4  1983 0.5          0  1.00 0.000280 0.000140 
## 3     1     5  1980 0.213        0  1.00 0.000350 0.0000744
## 4     1     5  1981 0.787        0  1.00 0.000250 0.000197 
## 5     1     5  1983 0.297        0  1.00 0.000250 0.0000744
## 6     1     5  1984 0.703        0  1.00 0.000250 0.000176


calculate_smr(joint) |> kable("html")
Observed Expected SMR 2.5 % 97.5 %
1580 775.6643 2.036964 1.937751 2.139939
group_by(joint, sex) |> calculate_smr() |> kable("html")
sex Observed Expected SMR 2.5 % 97.5 %
1 818 394.1975 2.075102 1.935316 2.222316
2 762 381.4668 1.997553 1.858221 2.144564
SMR_byYear <- group_by(joint, year) |> calculate_smr()
SMR_byYear |> kable("html")
year Observed Expected SMR 2.5 % 97.5 %
1975 2 1.861354 1.074486 0.1301253 3.881415
1976 14 4.818816 2.905278 1.5883425 4.874563
1977 31 7.004271 4.425871 3.0071647 6.282171
1978 34 10.789242 3.151287 2.1823579 4.403608
1979 44 15.461017 2.845867 2.0678114 3.820444
1980 52 19.133171 2.717793 2.0297778 3.564024
1981 53 21.050479 2.517757 1.8859731 3.293289
1982 79 26.296027 3.004256 2.3784978 3.744200
1983 75 31.357280 2.391789 1.8812939 2.998128
1984 83 36.451780 2.276981 1.8136025 2.822660
1985 79 39.894258 1.980235 1.5677706 2.467963
1986 79 42.358990 1.865011 1.4765471 2.324361
1987 86 47.820352 1.798398 1.4384858 2.221006
1988 108 52.241548 2.067320 1.6958627 2.495958
1989 99 55.155101 1.794938 1.4588372 2.185273
1990 104 57.597529 1.805633 1.4753330 2.187827
1991 100 56.277542 1.776908 1.4457631 2.161196
1992 105 59.106054 1.776468 1.4529746 2.150523
1993 126 62.302058 2.022405 1.6847175 2.407931
1994 93 64.749787 1.436298 1.1592780 1.759562
1995 134 63.937681 2.095791 1.7559794 2.482176
plot(SMR~year, data=SMR_byYear, type = "o")  # quick & dirty plot 

     plt(SMR~year, type = "ribbon", ymin=`2.5 %`, ymax=`97.5 %`))

joint <- mutate(joint, age_group = cut(age, seq(0, 110, by=10), right = FALSE))
SMR_byAge <- group_by(joint, age_group) |> calculate_smr()
SMR_byAge |> kable("html")
age_group Observed Expected SMR 2.5 % 97.5 %
[0,10) 0 0.0046936 0.000000 0.0000000 785.943356
[10,20) 2 0.0688809 29.035636 3.5163502 104.886700
[20,30) 16 0.9887579 16.181919 9.2493647 26.278422
[30,40) 73 4.9153573 14.851413 11.6411368 18.673422
[40,50) 144 19.1854079 7.505704 6.3298848 8.836586
[50,60) 215 51.7963269 4.150874 3.6145389 4.744364
[60,70) 323 129.0811235 2.502302 2.2368231 2.790623
[70,80) 390 257.7721031 1.512964 1.3665152 1.670833
[80,90) 342 250.9696149 1.362715 1.2221008 1.515071
[90,100) 74 60.0807906 1.231675 0.9671297 1.546255
[100,110) 1 0.8012821 1.248000 0.0315966 6.953411
plot(SMR~age_group, SMR_byAge, xlab="Age group (years)")
abline( h = 1:2, lty = 2)  # two reference lines at 1 & 2

by(joint, joint$sex, function(data) poisson.test(sum(data$observed), sum(data$expected)))
## joint$sex: 1
##  Exact Poisson test
## data:  sum(data$observed) time base: sum(data$expected)
## number of events = 818, time base = 394.2, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true event rate is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  1.935316 2.222317
## sample estimates:
## event rate 
##   2.075102 
## ------------------------------------------------------------ 
## joint$sex: 2
##  Exact Poisson test
## data:  sum(data$observed) time base: sum(data$expected)
## number of events = 762, time base = 381.47, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true event rate is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  1.858221 2.144564
## sample estimates:
## event rate 
##   1.997553


joint2 <- transform(joint,
                    sex  = factor(sex, levels = 1:2, labels = c("m", "f")),
                    year =  factor(year) |> relevel(ref = "1985"),  # mid-study
                    age_group = relevel(age_group, ref = "[70,80)")  # Close to one already
## Model & parameters
summary(fit <- glm(observed ~ sex + year + age_group + offset(log(expected)), data=joint2, family=poisson)) 
## Call:
## glm(formula = observed ~ sex + year + age_group + offset(log(expected)), 
##     family = poisson, data = joint2)
## Coefficients:
##                     Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)          0.24931    0.12399   2.011 0.044354 *  
## sexf                 0.19732    0.05232   3.771 0.000162 ***
## year1975            -0.73554    0.71610  -1.027 0.304348    
## year1976             0.29944    0.29010   1.032 0.301975    
## year1977             0.69624    0.21205   3.283 0.001026 ** 
## year1978             0.39484    0.20517   1.925 0.054291 .  
## year1979             0.32616    0.18814   1.734 0.082996 .  
## year1980             0.28623    0.17860   1.603 0.109023    
## year1981             0.22373    0.17758   1.260 0.207711    
## year1982             0.40014    0.15913   2.515 0.011917 *  
## year1983             0.17359    0.16124   1.077 0.281660    
## year1984             0.13835    0.15719   0.880 0.378769    
## year1986            -0.04542    0.15913  -0.285 0.775291    
## year1987            -0.07071    0.15586  -0.454 0.650058    
## year1988             0.07989    0.14809   0.539 0.589558    
## year1989            -0.05832    0.15090  -0.386 0.699130    
## year1990            -0.05248    0.14929  -0.352 0.725201    
## year1991            -0.04901    0.15068  -0.325 0.744989    
## year1992            -0.03529    0.14910  -0.237 0.812920    
## year1993             0.10860    0.14366   0.756 0.449680    
## year1994            -0.22877    0.15316  -1.494 0.135246    
## year1995             0.16654    0.14207   1.172 0.241115    
## age_group[0,10)     -7.66192  317.84697  -0.024 0.980768    
## age_group[10,20)     2.95588    0.70911   4.168 3.07e-05 ***
## age_group[20,30)     2.38059    0.25515   9.330  < 2e-16 ***
## age_group[30,40)     2.29433    0.12768  17.969  < 2e-16 ***
## age_group[40,50)     1.63236    0.09788  16.677  < 2e-16 ***
## age_group[50,60)     1.03105    0.08554  12.053  < 2e-16 ***
## age_group[60,70)     0.52924    0.07571   6.990 2.74e-12 ***
## age_group[80,90)    -0.11656    0.07472  -1.560 0.118759    
## age_group[90,100)   -0.21350    0.12769  -1.672 0.094519 .  
## age_group[100,110)  -0.18214    1.00359  -0.181 0.855982    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 3205.1  on 3268  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 2540.6  on 3237  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 5037.3
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 14
##                       exp(beta)         2.5 %        97.5 %
## (Intercept)        1.283137e+00  1.006314e+00  1.636109e+00
## sexf               1.218128e+00  1.099401e+00  1.349677e+00
## year1975           4.792457e-01  1.177646e-01  1.950300e+00
## year1976           1.349103e+00  7.640366e-01  2.382189e+00
## year1977           2.006194e+00  1.323953e+00  3.039998e+00
## year1978           1.484151e+00  9.927525e-01  2.218786e+00
## year1979           1.385637e+00  9.582975e-01  2.003542e+00
## year1980           1.331396e+00  9.381684e-01  1.889442e+00
## year1981           1.250729e+00  8.830989e-01  1.771403e+00
## year1982           1.492038e+00  1.092268e+00  2.038124e+00
## year1983           1.189572e+00  8.672427e-01  1.631702e+00
## year1984           1.148381e+00  8.438903e-01  1.562737e+00
## year1986           9.555917e-01  6.995579e-01  1.305332e+00
## year1987           9.317305e-01  6.864679e-01  1.264621e+00
## year1988           1.083166e+00  8.102976e-01  1.447924e+00
## year1989           9.433463e-01  7.018197e-01  1.267993e+00
## year1990           9.488769e-01  7.081704e-01  1.271399e+00
## year1991           9.521713e-01  7.086851e-01  1.279313e+00
## year1992           9.653299e-01  7.207160e-01  1.292967e+00
## year1993           1.114719e+00  8.411598e-01  1.477245e+00
## year1994           7.955094e-01  5.892228e-01  1.074017e+00
## year1995           1.181209e+00  8.941165e-01  1.560483e+00
## age_group[0,10)    4.704029e-04 1.320197e-274 1.676105e+267
## age_group[10,20)   1.921857e+01  4.787698e+00  7.714632e+01
## age_group[20,30)   1.081125e+01  6.556804e+00  1.782625e+01
## age_group[30,40)   9.917758e+00  7.722012e+00  1.273786e+01
## age_group[40,50)   5.115943e+00  4.222904e+00  6.197837e+00
## age_group[50,60)   2.804008e+00  2.371198e+00  3.315818e+00
## age_group[60,70)   1.697641e+00  1.463531e+00  1.969199e+00
## age_group[80,90)   8.899779e-01  7.687412e-01  1.030335e+00
## age_group[90,100)  8.077550e-01  6.289151e-01  1.037450e+00
## age_group[100,110) 8.334822e-01  1.165831e-01  5.958774e+00
drop1(fit, test = "Chisq")
## Single term deletions
## Model:
## observed ~ sex + year + age_group + offset(log(expected))
##           Df Deviance    AIC    LRT  Pr(>Chi)    
## <none>         2540.6 5037.3                     
## sex        1   2554.8 5049.5  14.17 0.0001673 ***
## year      20   2590.8 5047.5  50.19 0.0002079 ***
## age_group 10   3135.6 5612.3 594.95 < 2.2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1