Exercise 6. Diet data: tabulating incidence rates and modelling with Poisson regression

You may have to install the required packages the first time you use them. You can install a package by install.packages("package_of_interest") for each package you require.

library(biostat3) # diet dataset
library(dplyr)    # for data manipulation
library(knitr)    # kable()
library(broom)    # tidy()

Load the diet data using time-on-study as the timescale. We look at the first six rows of the data using head and look at a summary for the variables using summary:

head(diet) |> kable("html")
id chd y hieng energy job month height weight doe dox dob yoe yox yob
127 0 16.791239 low 2023.25 conductor 2 173.9900 61.46280 1960-02-16 1976-12-01 1910-09-27 1960.126 1976.917 1910.737
200 0 19.958933 low 2448.68 bank 12 177.8000 73.48320 1956-12-16 1976-12-01 1909-06-18 1956.958 1976.917 1909.460
198 0 19.958933 low 2281.38 bank 12 NA NA 1956-12-16 1976-12-01 1910-06-30 1956.958 1976.917 1910.493
222 0 15.394935 low 2467.95 bank 2 158.7500 58.24224 1957-02-16 1972-07-10 1902-07-11 1957.126 1972.523 1902.523
305 1 1.494867 low 2362.93 bank 1 NA NA 1960-01-16 1961-07-15 1913-06-30 1960.041 1961.534 1913.493
173 0 15.958932 low 2380.11 conductor 12 164.4904 79.01712 1960-12-16 1976-12-01 1915-06-28 1960.958 1976.917 1915.487
summary(diet) |> kable("html")
id chd y hieng energy job month height weight doe dox dob yoe yox yob
Min. : 1 Min. :0.0000 Min. : 0.2875 low :155 Min. :1748 driver :102 Min. : 1.000 Min. :152.4 Min. : 46.72 Min. :1956-11-16 Min. :1958-08-29 Min. :1892-01-10 Min. :1957 Min. :1959 Min. :1892
1st Qu.: 85 1st Qu.:0.0000 1st Qu.:10.7762 high:182 1st Qu.:2537 conductor: 84 1st Qu.: 3.000 1st Qu.:168.9 1st Qu.: 64.64 1st Qu.:1959-01-16 1st Qu.:1972-09-29 1st Qu.:1906-01-18 1st Qu.:1959 1st Qu.:1973 1st Qu.:1906
Median :169 Median :0.0000 Median :15.4606 NA Median :2803 bank :151 Median : 6.000 Median :173.0 Median : 72.80 Median :1960-02-16 Median :1976-12-01 Median :1911-02-25 Median :1960 Median :1977 Median :1911
Mean :169 Mean :0.1365 Mean :13.6607 NA Mean :2829 NA Mean : 6.231 Mean :173.4 Mean : 72.54 Mean :1960-06-22 Mean :1974-02-19 Mean :1911-01-04 Mean :1960 Mean :1974 Mean :1911
3rd Qu.:253 3rd Qu.:0.0000 3rd Qu.:17.0431 NA 3rd Qu.:3110 NA 3rd Qu.:10.000 3rd Qu.:177.8 3rd Qu.: 79.83 3rd Qu.:1961-06-16 3rd Qu.:1976-12-01 3rd Qu.:1915-01-30 3rd Qu.:1961 3rd Qu.:1977 3rd Qu.:1915
Max. :337 Max. :1.0000 Max. :20.0411 NA Max. :4396 NA Max. :12.000 Max. :190.5 Max. :106.14 Max. :1966-09-16 Max. :1976-12-01 Max. :1930-09-19 Max. :1967 Max. :1977 Max. :1931


diet <- biostat3::diet

diet.ir6a <- survRate(Surv(y/1000,chd) ~ hieng, data=diet)
kable(diet.ir6a, "html")
hieng tstop event rate lower upper
hieng=low low 2.059430 28 13.595992 9.034438 19.64999
hieng=high high 2.544238 18 7.074809 4.192980 11.18125
## or
diet |>
    group_by(hieng) |>
    summarise(Event = sum(chd), Time = sum(y/1000), Rate = Event/Time,      # group sums
              lower.ci = poisson.test(Event,Time)$conf.int[1],
              upper.ci = poisson.test(Event,Time)$conf.int[2]) |> kable("html")
hieng Event Time Rate lower.ci upper.ci
low 28 2.059430 13.595992 9.034438 19.64999
high 18 2.544238 7.074809 4.192980 11.18125
## IRR
with(diet.ir6a, poisson.test(event,tstop)) 
##  Comparison of Poisson rates
## data:  event time base: tstop
## count1 = 28, expected count1 = 20.578, p-value = 0.03681
## alternative hypothesis: true rate ratio is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  1.026173 3.688904
## sample estimates:
## rate ratio 
##   1.921747
with(diet.ir6a, poisson.test(rev(event),rev(tstop)))
##  Comparison of Poisson rates
## data:  rev(event) time base: rev(tstop)
## count1 = 18, expected count1 = 25.422, p-value = 0.03681
## alternative hypothesis: true rate ratio is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.2710832 0.9744943
## sample estimates:
## rate ratio 
##  0.5203599

We see that individuals with a high energy intake have a lower CHD incidence rate. The estimated crude incidence rate ratio is 0.52 (95% CI: 0.27, 0.97).


The code is:

poisson6b <- glm(chd ~ hieng + offset( log(y/1000)), family=poisson, data=diet)
## Call:
## glm(formula = chd ~ hieng + offset(log(y/1000)), family = poisson, 
##     data = diet)
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)   2.6098     0.1890  13.811   <2e-16 ***
## hienghigh    -0.6532     0.3021  -2.162   0.0306 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 262.82  on 336  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 258.00  on 335  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 354
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6
##              exp(beta)     2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept) 13.5959916 9.3877130 19.6907371
## hienghigh    0.5203599 0.2878432  0.9407012
eform(poisson6b, method="Profile")
## Waiting for profiling to be done...
##              exp(beta)     2.5 %     97.5 %
## (Intercept) 13.5959916 9.1614552 19.2715805
## hienghigh    0.5203599 0.2829171  0.9328392
## using tidyverse...
tidy(poisson6b, conf.int=TRUE, exponentiate=TRUE)
## # A tibble: 2 × 7
##   term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value conf.low conf.high
##   <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept)   13.6       0.189     13.8  2.20e-43    9.16     19.3  
## 2 hienghigh      0.520     0.302     -2.16 3.06e- 2    0.283     0.933

The point estimate for the IRR calculated by the Poisson regression is the same as the IRR calculated in 6(a). The regression model can be defined by:

\[\begin{align*} E(\text{chd}) &= \frac{y}{1000}\exp\left(\beta_0 + \beta_1I(\text{hieng}="high") \right) \\ &= \exp\left(\beta_0 + \beta_1I(\text{hieng}="high") + \log(y/1000) \right) \end{align*}\]

where \(E(\text{chd})\) is the expected count for CHD, \(\beta_0\) is the intercept parameter for the log rate and \(\beta_1\) is the parameter for the log rate ratio for high energy diets. We have also used \(I(\text{condition})\) as an indicator function, which will take a value of 1 when the condition is true and 0 otherwise.

A theoretical observation: if we consider the data as being cross-classified solely by hieng then the Poisson regression model with one parameter is a saturated model (that is, the number of observations is equal to the number of parameters) so the IRR estimated from the model will be identical to the ‘observed’ IRR. That is, the model is a perfect fit.


hist(diet$energy, breaks=25, probability=TRUE, xlab="Energy (units)")
curve(dnorm(x, mean=mean(diet$energy), sd=sd(diet$energy)), col = "red", add=TRUE)
lines(density(diet$energy), col = "blue")
legend("topright", legend=c("Normal density","Smoothed density"),
       lty=1, col=c("red", "blue"), bty="n")

quantile(diet$energy, probs=c(0.01,0.05,0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.90,0.95,0.99))
##       1%       5%      10%      25%      50%      75%      90%      95% 
## 1887.268 2177.276 2314.114 2536.690 2802.980 3109.660 3365.644 3588.178 
##      99% 
## 4046.820
# For kurtosis and skewness, see package e1071

The histogram and density curve gives us an idea of the distribution of energy intake. The normal curve suggests that a normal approximation may be acceptable. We can also tabulate moments and percentiles of the distribution.


diet <- transform(diet, eng3=cut(energy, breaks=c(1500,2500,3000,4500),
                                 right = FALSE))
      Prop=proportions(table(diet$eng3))) |> kable("html")
Freq Prop
low 75 0.2225519
medium 150 0.4451039
high 112 0.3323442

This could also be done using dplyr::mutate.


## rates and IRRs
diet.ir6e <- survRate(Surv(y/1000,chd) ~ eng3, data=diet)
##               eng3     tstop event      rate    lower     upper
## eng3=low       low 0.9466338    16 16.901995 9.660951 27.447781
## eng3=medium medium 2.0172621    22 10.905871 6.834651 16.511619
## eng3=high     high 1.6397728     8  4.878725 2.106287  9.613033
# calculate IRR and confidence intervals
with(diet.ir6e, rate[eng3=="medium"] / rate[eng3=="low"])
## [1] 0.6452416
with(diet.ir6e[c(2,1),], { # compare second row with first row
  poisson.test(event, tstop)
##  Comparison of Poisson rates
## data:  event time base: tstop
## count1 = 22, expected count1 = 25.863, p-value = 0.2221
## alternative hypothesis: true rate ratio is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.3237007 1.3143509
## sample estimates:
## rate ratio 
##  0.6452416
with(diet.ir6e, rate[eng3=="high"] / rate[eng3=="low"])
## [1] 0.2886479
with(diet.ir6e[c(3,1),], { # compare third row with first row
  poisson.test(event, tstop)
##  Comparison of Poisson rates
## data:  event time base: tstop
## count1 = 8, expected count1 = 15.216, p-value = 0.004579
## alternative hypothesis: true rate ratio is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.1069490 0.7148284
## sample estimates:
## rate ratio 
##  0.2886479

We see that the CHD incidence rate decreases as the level of total energy intake increases. These calculations are usually better done using a regression model as they are less fiddly and can be adjusted for other covariates.


diet <- transform(diet, 
                  X1 = as.numeric(eng3 == "low"),
                  X2 = as.numeric(eng3 == "medium"),
                  X3 = as.numeric(eng3 == "high"))
## or (names eng3low, eng3medium and eng3high)
diet = cbind(diet, model.matrix(~eng3+0, diet))
    X1         X2         X3    eng3low eng3medium   eng3high 
    75        150        112         75        150        112 


subset(diet, eng3=="low", select=c(energy,eng3,X1,X2,X3)) |> head() |> kable("html")
energy eng3 X1 X2 X3
2023.25 low 1 0 0
2448.68 low 1 0 0
2281.38 low 1 0 0
2467.95 low 1 0 0
2362.93 low 1 0 0
2380.11 low 1 0 0
subset(diet, eng3=="medium", select=c(energy,eng3,X1,X2,X3)) |> head() |> kable("html")
energy eng3 X1 X2 X3
76 2664.64 medium 0 1 0
77 2533.33 medium 0 1 0
78 2854.08 medium 0 1 0
79 2673.77 medium 0 1 0
80 2766.88 medium 0 1 0
81 2586.69 medium 0 1 0
subset(diet, eng3=="high", select=c(energy,eng3,X1,X2,X3)) |> head() |> kable("html")
energy eng3 X1 X2 X3
226 3067.36 high 0 0 1
227 3298.95 high 0 0 1
228 3147.60 high 0 0 1
229 3180.47 high 0 0 1
230 3045.81 high 0 0 1
231 3060.03 high 0 0 1


poisson6h <- glm(chd ~ X2 + X3 + offset(log(y/1000)), family=poisson, data=diet)
## Call:
## glm(formula = chd ~ X2 + X3 + offset(log(y/1000)), family = poisson, 
##     data = diet)
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)   2.8274     0.2500  11.312  < 2e-16 ***
## X2           -0.4381     0.3285  -1.334  0.18233    
## X3           -1.2425     0.4330  -2.870  0.00411 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 262.82  on 336  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 253.62  on 334  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 351.62
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6
tidy(poisson6h, conf.int=TRUE, exponentiate=TRUE)
## # A tibble: 3 × 7
##   term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value conf.low conf.high
##   <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept)   16.9       0.250     11.3  1.15e-29    9.91     26.6  
## 2 X2             0.645     0.329     -1.33 1.82e- 1    0.341     1.25 
## 3 X3             0.289     0.433     -2.87 4.11e- 3    0.117     0.656

Level 1 of the categorized total energy is the reference category. The estimated rate ratio comparing level 2 to level 1 is 0.6452 and the estimated rate ratio comparing level 3 to level 1 is 0.2886.

The regression equation can be represented by:

\[\begin{align*} E(\text{chd}) &= \frac{y}{1000}\exp\left(\beta_0 + \beta_2 X_2 + \beta_3 X_3 \right) \\ &= \exp\left(\beta_0 + \beta_2 X_2 + \beta_3 X_3 + \log(y/1000) \right) \end{align*}\] where \(\beta_2\) and \(\beta_3\) are the log rate ratios for \(X_2=\text{X2}\) and \(X_3=\text{X3}\), respectively.


poisson6i <- glm(chd ~ X1 + X3 + offset(log(y/1000)), family=poisson, data=diet)
# or 
poisson6i <- glm(chd ~ I(eng3=="low") + I(eng3=="high") + offset(log(y/1000)),
                 family=poisson, data=diet)
## Call:
## glm(formula = chd ~ I(eng3 == "low") + I(eng3 == "high") + offset(log(y/1000)), 
##     family = poisson, data = diet)
## Coefficients:
##                       Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)             2.3893     0.2132  11.207   <2e-16 ***
## I(eng3 == "low")TRUE    0.4381     0.3285   1.334   0.1823    
## I(eng3 == "high")TRUE  -0.8044     0.4129  -1.948   0.0514 .  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 262.82  on 336  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 253.62  on 334  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 351.62
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6
tidy(poisson6i, conf.int=TRUE, exponentiate=TRUE)
## # A tibble: 3 × 7
##   term                  estimate std.error statistic  p.value conf.low conf.high
##   <chr>                    <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 "(Intercept)"           10.9       0.213     11.2  3.77e-29    6.96     16.1  
## 2 "I(eng3 == \"low\")T…    1.55      0.329      1.33 1.82e- 1    0.800     2.94 
## 3 "I(eng3 == \"high\")…    0.447     0.413     -1.95 5.14e- 2    0.187     0.966

Now use level 2 as the reference (by omitting X2 but including X1 and X3). The estimated rate ratio comparing level 1 to level 2 is 1.5498 and the estimated rate ratio comparing level 3 to level 2 is 0.4473.


poisson6j <- glm(chd ~ eng3 + offset(log(y/1000)), family=poisson, data=diet)
## Call:
## glm(formula = chd ~ eng3 + offset(log(y/1000)), family = poisson, 
##     data = diet)
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)   2.8274     0.2500  11.312  < 2e-16 ***
## eng3medium   -0.4381     0.3285  -1.334  0.18233    
## eng3high     -1.2425     0.4330  -2.870  0.00411 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 262.82  on 336  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 253.62  on 334  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 351.62
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6
tidy(poisson6j, conf.int=TRUE, exponentiate=TRUE)
## # A tibble: 3 × 7
##   term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value conf.low conf.high
##   <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept)   16.9       0.250     11.3  1.15e-29    9.91     26.6  
## 2 eng3medium     0.645     0.329     -1.33 1.82e- 1    0.341     1.25 
## 3 eng3high       0.289     0.433     -2.87 4.11e- 3    0.117     0.656

The estimates are identical (as we would hope) when we have R create indicator variables for us.


Somehow (there are many different alternatives) you’ll need to calculate the total number of events and the total person-time at risk and then calculate the incidence rate as events/person-time. As examples,

summarise(diet, rate = sum(chd) / sum(y))
##          rate
## 1 0.009992031
## or
survRate(Surv(y/1000,chd)~1, data=diet)
##      tstop event     rate    lower    upper
## 1 4.603669    46 9.992031 7.315422 13.32797

The estimated incidence rate is 0.00999 events per person-year.